Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
Tvůrčí duo ve složení fotografka - korektorka Eva Csölleová a spisovatel - redaktor Vítek Formánek. Zkušenosti mají s prácí pro časopisy jako Cinema nebo Interview. Vydali desítku knih u nás i v zahraničí. Zaměřují se na interview se zajímavými lidmi či osobnostmi kulturní scény z celého světa.
David Frankham: I was at right time at the right place
English actor David Frankham shows that one should follow his dreams. He did something that is impossible these days. In 1955 he decided to go to Hollywood to become and actor without actually having any acting experience and without knowing anybody there. Unlike many actors these days, he got a job very soon and befriended stars like Elizaberth Taylor, Dick Bogarde, Alec Guiness, Vincent Price or Rock Hudson who opened doors for him. He was busy in TV and didn´t refuse any movie so he was busy till his pension age. He appreared in films like King Rat, The Return of the Fly or Tales of Terror, not forgetting having worked in dubbing, notably in 101 Dalmatians movie. He was chuffed by Unitedfilm's interest in his career and was very honest and open. He celebrates 90th birthday in February so we wish him lots of health and peace.
Jonathan David Dixon: I take acting very seriously and I am constantly studying other actors
Jonathan David Dixon is versatile actor working at Santa Fé. We got in touch via Hollywood actor David Frankham and after becoming penpals we found enough courage to ask Jonathan bunch of questions to suss out how hard job the acting really is.We appreciate Jonathan gave us so much time and effort and his answers are honest and deep.What was also interesting was the fact that his grandmother born in US in 1895 was full- blooded Bohemian and her parent were born in Bohemia.World is small.
Lupita Tovar, I had very adventurous and romantic life
Lupita Tovar is one of the few remaining actresses from silent movies era still alive. Born 1910 in Mexico, she played in 35 movies between 1929 -1945. Her son Pancho Kohner, Hollywood producer helped us with interview.
Jesse James Miller is young filmmaker from Vancouver.Canada.He does almost everything at his films and so far you can find his name under documentary Uganda Rising or under films Corked, Rabbit,The Seamstress or Redwood. We met him at Zlín festival and stayed in touch so making an interview with such dedicated enthusist wasn´t a problem.
Philippe Muyl: Every new film is the first one, for each of them, I need to fight very strongly
French director Philippe Muyl is the prototype of independent film maker.At the age of 15 he started studying graphic art.Then worked as an artistic director for few years. His experience helped him in next position as head of advertising for magazine „ Pilote“.After one slide show presentation and the corporate film he decided the film making was for him.He set up production company with a friend.Then his partner moved to Brasil so he kept the flag flying alone.He watched tons of movies and learn how the screenplays were constructed.Then he wrote half a dozen stories without any success and to make matters worse, didn´t know anyone in film business.Then he decided to adapt a Greek novel, received an advance box –office receipts grant and went for it. Film was released in January 1985 in five prints.It was a flop and he ended up with 3 million francs dept which took him eight years to pay off.But he didn´t give up and made mny films which received international awards.In time of our interview, he was in LA, fighting with his Chinese film for Academy Awars.