Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
Tvůrčí duo ve složení fotografka - korektorka Eva Csölleová a spisovatel - redaktor Vítek Formánek. Zkušenosti mají s prácí pro časopisy jako Cinema nebo Interview. Vydali desítku knih u nás i v zahraničí. Zaměřují se na interview se zajímavými lidmi či osobnostmi kulturní scény z celého světa.
Jean Jacques Annaud: I have film in my mind
If we got an offer to have a dinner with an artist, we would have chosen much awarded French director J.J. Annaud.Despite his fame he is modest, kind, friendly, talks very interestingly and is witty.He was a guest star of current FebioFest where he not only received the main price Kristian but also showed in premiere his new film Wolf Totem. We talked not only about his new film.
Fero Fenič- I always delicately perceived the situation around me
Fero Fenič is one of our best independent director, who tried to make things his own way, shoot meaningfull documements, say something about given topic. Born in Slovakia but living for decades in Czech Republic, he never bent or compromised.To be able to do what he wanted, he set up his own company Febio which also helped other filmmakers. Then to build a platform he established FebioFest, one of the biggest independent festivals in Europe He loves travelling and is very thoughtfull, educated and kind person.
In showbusiness there are people who didn´t do a lot but papers report about them every day for all wrong reasons.And then, there are people who achieved so much but press ignores them, unfairly. To the group of latter belongs Czech director, animator and actress Michaela Pavlátová.
She was born in Prague, Czech Republic in 1961.In 1987 she graduated from Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.Her animated films received many international awards all over the World, be it Montreal, Tampere, Berlin, Hiroshima or Stuttgart.In 1993 she was nominated for Academy Award for her film “ Řeči, řeči, řečičky” Since 1998 she worked in San Francisco as art director with company Wildbrain Inc and also taught on San Francisco University and on Harvard University. She returned to Prague back in 2002.She is very versatile artist since not only did she direct animated films, she also directed feature film and acted herself in 5 movies. She made no bones and was honest in her replies which produced one of the most interesting interviews we have made so far.
Jiří Mádl: Every film must leave emotions in me
Czech actor Jiří Mádl, born 1986 in České Budějovice is one of the much sought after actor of current time. He doesn´t have classical film education but he is born talent.He became a star after appearing in teenage hits “ Rafťáci”, “ Jak se krotí krokodýli”,“ Rock podvraťáků” or “ Snowborďáci”.He caused a big media interest after shooting a movie “ Jedeme k moři”. He chose untried way of filming it and again, with no experience in directing, he came and won the T-shirt.We met him at Zlín Film Festival 2014 where he was promoting his film and despite some technical problems he came at promised time and talked to us in relaxed mood.
Manlio Castagna: Indenpendent film in Italy doesn´t exist
Manlio Castagna was a guest of Zlín Film Festival 2014.We wanted to ask him few questions so asked for appointed time in his busy schedule.We didn´t know each other but somehow we didn´t miss each other in the foyer.We hit it off from word go and he was so entertaining that we asked for contact and asked more questions via email.
Italian cinematography has a very long and rich history and was top in Europe.Was it this heritage that made you decide to go to movie industry?
Yes I love the old Italian cinema, in particular Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Mario Monicelli and Pietro Germi.
If young filmmaker wants to start making film in Italy, does he get any help from state or and grants from ministry of culture or is it down to private funs?
It’s not easy in Italy to make movies, especially if you are young. whatever the ministry of culture try to help granting you an amount of money to make it.
What is the scene for independent film makers in Italy.Any platform for it, any festival, closed market, distribution place to meet and swap experience?
No there’s nothing, honestly.
Do you think that artistic independance film is a must as counter balance to commerical trash that is made purely for money?
I think is normal and physiological for a country having this kind of balance.
What or who is independent film or film maker according to you?When you get a company to sponsor your film, can you still call yourself an independent film maker or not?
Indipendent is who makes his/her own movie, without slants. if you find a sponsor that not has influence on your ideas you still remain indipendent.
Giffoni is a film festival for youth and kids.Do you try to keep it on the same level with friendship and home atmosphere or you try to make it bigger and bigger every year with more and more international stars?
The second option. But we are always very focused on the kids and their needs, their desires, their experience.
These days children spend lots of time on internet. Do you think it is difficult to get them to movie and show them the life is about something else that just sitting by computer?
Absolutelly, it is very difficult to get kids to cinema, since internet is kind of database where all their life is hidden..So our task is to show them, that there exists other life outside internet .
There are so many various film festivals.What would you advice someone who wants to establish his own one for independent films but wants to be low budgeted, different, unique. Where to start?
You need a good idea. You need to attract people with something interesting looking at your “target” of people. You need to focus on the social networks: there you can create your community without investing a lot of money.
What do you like the most, directing movies, writing screenplays or organizing festival and being in a jury to judge other films?
I love writing more than anything. and Organizing a film festival as Giffoni is like being in paradise. wonderful.
You are in Czech fo rthe first time, what feelings do you bring home with you?
I visited many festivals, including those A class ones and here in Zlín I found two things which I hardly find elewhere.It is hospitality and friendship by people and organizers.And also friendly atmosphere the jury works in.Human warmness can make a low budget festival and exceptional one.I go to Cannes every year and it is almost impossible to have human conversation with organizers there.
Generally people go less and less to the cinema.Do you think it´s because of the ticket prices and offer or because they can watch it in comfort of home whenever they like and for free. Do you think cinemas are endangered species?
I think when you can find movies “free” by illegal streaming and downloading them by internet you prefer this to go to the cinema spending a lot of money. unfortunately is not easy situation and I think you are right: cinema is an endangered specie!
If you compare condition for film making in 50´s and 60´s and now is it harder to make and distribuce film now or it was harder than?
Absolutely more difficult now.