October 31, 2017
Steve Lichtag - Festivals jury usually prefer good story to technique or quality of the picture
Steve Lichatg was born on 4.3.1954 in Znojmo as Zdeněk Loveček.He attended Conservatoire for literature and drama in Brno and acquired first theatre experience in Karlovy Vary, Prague and Jihlava. Soon he also found a job in front of the…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
October 12, 2017
Agnieszka Holland - More expensive film means less freedom
Well known and respected Polish director Agnieszka Holland was a star guest of FebioFest 2017.She has fans on both sides of Atlantic and is signed under such films as Europe, Europe, Burning Bush or Angry Harvest.In Prague she introduced her…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
August 29, 2017
Milan Cieslar: I am totally independent artist
Milan Cieslar is screenplay writer, producer and director who has around 30 titles under his belt.He chooses interesting and different topics and his biggest success was a war movie called „Der Lebensborg-Pramen života“.So far his last movie „ Život je…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
August 29, 2017
Abel Ferrara: Don´t worry about films you are making, worry about the life you are living
Icon of American independent film Abel Ferrara was the guest of FebioFest 2017. He was kind of mercurial and at the beginning of press conference it seemed,.that he cares more about the copy of his film then about journalists who…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
August 16, 2017
Miro Remo - In my films I tell people to think more
Miro Remo is very extraordinary film maker from Slovenian town Ladca where he was born in 1983.He studied VŠMU (Musical university) and for more than 10 years he is making documentaries. He writes scripts himself, stands behind camera and also…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
August 1, 2017
Peter Suschitzky - Technology makes job easier but doesn´t replace artistic abilities
Top British cinematographer Peter Suschitzky works behind lenses for over a half of century. He collaborated with big bunch of directors but the biggest joy and success he gained alongside David Cronenberg with whom he made 11 movies. Very kind…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
June 28, 2017
Robert Kolinski - I am driven by pure passion
At Zlín Film Festival had its premiere a documentary film Make a comedy is no fun about Czech our Oscar winning director Jiří Menzel. It probably wouldn´t be such a big surprise, since film festivals are about films, but what…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
July 3, 2017
Daniel Huttlestone - You can become an actor with bit of talent and luck but with no education
This 18 years old guy from London has probably acting is his blood. When he was nine he made his stage debut as Nipper in Oliver. Then he played Gavroche in Les Miserables. Then was invited for same role in…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
June 22, 2017
David Kinsella - I always have to find some kind of humanity in every film I make
This much awarded Irish photographer -cum -film maker living in Norway was a guest of Zlín Film Festival 2017. His incredible way of filming, shooting in North Korea and stories behind that made our interview jaw draping experience.
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
June 1, 2017
Ulrich Thomsen - You have to have a courage to stand for what you believe in
Danish actor Ulrich Thomsen was the guest of FebioFest 2017. He made a name for himself in theatre and made a film debut in 1994.So far the biggest international chance came in 1999 when he played in James Bond film…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
May 15, 2017
Duncan Kenworthy-Film is a conversation between director and audience
British producer Duncan Kenworthy is a producer of such box office hits as Love Actually, Notting Hill or Four weddings and one funeral. He received five BAFTA Awards, three EMMY Awards and nomination for Academy Award. This fine, pleasant, witty…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
April 26, 2017
Fatmir Koci - Independent film scene doesn´t exist yet but´s is being built
Albanian cinematography is not the best known in the world so to meet an Albanian director and have a chance to talk to him is very useful thing.We have met Fatmir Koci, well established and very likeable film maker from…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
March 20, 2017
Jeroen Krabbé - I see the end of my career behind camera
This Dutch actor was born in 1944 to the family of well known impressionist painter.He studied acting on Amsterdam Academy of dramatic Art. His first big chance was offered to him by friend, director Paul Verhoeven in film “Soldier of…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
March 6, 2017
Mikk Granström: For me movie means telling stories
First moving picture was showed in Estonia already in 1896.First cinema was opened 12 years later in Tallin In 1930 local actress Miliza Korjus was nominated for Academy Award and she had successful career in Hollywood. Later the film was…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
February 1, 2017
Legendary Smyczek: Beginning filmmaker should have desire that what he film will interest somebody
Karel Smyzcek was born on 31.3.1950 in Mělník.He made his acting debut in 1959 in film made by Milan Vošmik called “ Zpívající pudřenka” and since he was good, more offfers came later.He attended FAMU (Film and musical academy) and…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
January 26, 2017
Steven Wouterlood: There is always something educational in my films
When we saw the name of this director in the program of Zlín film festival, we thought it could be good to meet him, specially if he is an independent director. He was very friendly an approachable and the interview…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
January 4, 2017
Stanley Kubrick: Film classic, who never repeated himself and always pushed the envelope with each film
British director Stanley Kubrick is considered to be one of the most extraordinary directors of all time. Some of his colleagues even say that film history is divided into two parts BEFORE Kubrick and AFTER Kubrick.
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
November 11, 2016
Frank Berry: I have always been passionate about films
Irish director Frank Berry was a guest of Zlín film festival 2015 where he introduced his brand new film “ I used to live here”.Since we don´t know much about Irish film and the topic of his film was interesting,…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
October 12, 2016
John Carpenter: I had to write my way into the film business
John Carpenter (1948) made many films on the field of horror and sci fi between 1970- 1980 which became cult movies and influenced many other film makers. He not only wrote screenplays, directed and produced films, he also edited them…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
October 5, 2016
Kurt van der Basch: Storyboarding helps to calculate a film budget
One of the most interesting guests of Letní filmová škola in Uherské Hradiště was Canadian storyboarder of Dutch origin, living in Prague, young Kurt van der Basch.He was there only for one day since the following one he flew to…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
September 19, 2016
Respected and versatile Czech director Jiři Strach
Jiří Strach (1973) is well respected and versatile Czech director who can direct well either: war movie, drama, fairy tale or comedy. Former young film star swapped his position from “in front” of the camera to “behind” the camera but…
Written by Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek